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Investing Made Easy: Top Strategies for Financial Year 2023


Do you find investing overwhelming and complicated? Are you tired of feeling lost in the sea of financial jargon and complex strategies? Well, fear not, because we're here to make investing easy and enjoyable for you! In this blog, we'll be sharing the top investment strategies for 2023 that are not only effective but also easy to follow. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newbie, we've got you covered.

An attractive and simple, short-term investment method is fixed deposits. Shriram Fixed Deposits offer a high interest rate and extra benefits for women investors and senior citizens.

Let's take a detailed look at the investment options you should consider in 2023.

Investment Options for the Short Term

For short-term investment plans, 2 key elements must be considered: to minimise the risk of losing capital and ensure the investments are readily available.

  1. Fixed Deposits

With a fixed deposit, you can be certain that you will receive the promised return when the policy matures. Additionally, you will not experience any losses or deductions from your deposit. Investing in a fixed deposit is the safest approach for growing your savings. You can use the Shriram Fixed Deposit Interest Calculator to find out how much money you will get from your investment amount upon maturity.

  1. Recurring Deposits

Unlike a fixed deposit, which requires you to make a lump-sum deposit, a recurring deposit allows you to make regular payments over time. The interest rate for a recurring deposit is usually higher than a regular savings account. The interest earned on the deposit is usually compounded every month and paid out at the end of the term.

  1. Short-Term Debt Funds

Liquid funds, ultra-short duration funds and money market funds are the 3 debt fund categories that fit well in your short-term investment basket. These are low-risk products.

Investment Options for the Medium Term

Medium-term objectives are those that are set to be accomplished within a period of 3 to 5 years. Examples of such targets may include saving up for a wedding, obtaining a down payment for a house or renovating your home.

  1. National Savings Certificate (NSC)

The National Savings Certificate (NSC) is a post office savings product that works like a 5-year fixed deposit. With NSC, your deposits will earn 7.7% annual interest and be available at maturity after 5 years. If you have a goal that is 5 years away, NSC is a safe investment option. However, it is subject to the 5-year lock-in period and returns may be lower than with debt funds or hybrid funds.

  1. Post Office Time Deposit

Post Office Time Deposit (POTD) is an investment option that allows you to deposit your money for short-to-medium periods. This option is provided by post offices, similar to banks.

  1. Medium-Term Debt Funds

There are 15+ different kinds of debt funds with varying levels of risks and returns. It is important to recognise your objectives to select the ideal debt fund. 3 debt mutual funds that provide a balance between risk and reward for a medium-term aim are banking and PSU funds, corporate bond funds and short-duration funds.

Investment Options for the Long Term

Goals that are meant to be realised in the next 7-10 years can be considered long-term. Select options that can provide substantial returns in the long run.

  1. Equity

To build wealth for the future, investing in stocks is a good idea. There have been numerous cases where stock investments have given investors impressive financial returns. Keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Avoid herd mentality to pick stocks that other investors are choosing.
  • Think long-term and not about short, quick profits to build your wealth.
  • Making decisions about stock market investing based on speculation is risky.
  • Always do your research.

2. Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds are a great way to invest in stocks. These funds are managed by professionals who conduct thorough research to ensure that your money is invested in a way that gives you the best chance of earning good returns over the long term. The diversification that these funds provide ensures that your investments are spread out over multiple stocks.

3. Real Estate

Property investments are very popular and have been known to generate considerable returns. However, there are certain downsides to bear in mind, such as the inability to quickly sell the property and the potential for losses if you are forced to let go of the investment at a reduced rate.

4. Gold

Gold, as an investment option, can outpace inflation. Physical gold has been the traditional approach to acquiring the precious metal, but this comes with additional costs such as fabrication or design fees and storage fees. To bypass these issues, investing in gold through mutual funds and ETFs is a viable solution.

5. Saving Schemes

Small savings plans generally offer higher returns than inflation and fixed deposits. Some examples are Public Provident Fund (PPF), Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS), Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme and Kisan Vikas Patra. They also offer tax exemptions under Section 80C of the IT Act.

6. National Pension Scheme

The National Pension System (NPS) is a long-term investment product with an emphasis on retirement. It is possible to allocate portions of the money to different asset types including equities, government bonds and corporate bonds, based on the individual's risk tolerance.

  1. Unit-Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)

A ULIP combines the features of life insurance and investment. A portion of the premium goes towards providing a life insurance cover, and the rest is invested in assets like equity and bonds to generate wealth in the long run.

Where to Invest Your Money?

Higher gains often have increased risks. Different asset classes can offer varied rewards, and as an informed investor, you need to decide if a single asset class or a combination of them is the best option to meet your expectations.

These tips will help you build a diversified investment portfolio:

1. Understand your investment goals: Before investing, it is important to understand what your specific financial goals are

and how much risk you are willing to take.

2. Research the different asset classes: Understand the different types of investments available, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, commodities and cash equivalents. Research their characteristics, risks and return potentials.

3. Set financial goals: Establish investment goals such as retirement planning, college savings or short-term savings goals.

4. Determine your risk tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance and time horizon to determine the types of investments that are appropriate for you.

5. Create a diversified portfolio: Construct a portfolio that is diversified across different asset classes, sectors and regions.

6. Rebalance regularly: Periodically rebalance your portfolio to maintain your risk profile and ensure that your investments remain in line with your goals.

7. Monitor your investments: Monitor the performance of your investments regularly and make adjustments as necessary.

Summing Up

Investing in 2023 is a great opportunity to get ahead financially, build wealth, and potentially even create a passive income stream. With the right approach and an adequate amount of resources, anyone can embark on their investment endeavours in the most suitable way.

Whether you opt to take the help of a financial advisor or choose to take the DIY approach, investing requires research, patience and a willingness to take calculated risks. Invest now in a reliable and safe investment like Shriram Fixed Deposit and earn up to 9.40%* p.a. inclusive of special interest benefit of 0.10%* p.a. for women depositors and 0.50%* p.a. for senior citizens.


How can you calculate the returns on your FD investments?

Make use of an online calculator, which is a free, accurate and easily available tool to help you calculate the returns on your FD investment.

What are the benefits of financial investments?

Investing is beneficial as it allows you to take advantage of the potential appreciation of assets, diversify your portfolio and give you potential tax advantages.

What are the minimum and maximum periods to invest in Shriram Fixed Deposits?

The minimum tenure is 1 year and the maximum tenure is 5 years.

How much money should I invest in 2023?

Consider your financial situation and risk tolerance when deciding how much to invest. Start with an amount that you feel comfortable with and add to your investments as you gain more experience.

Key Highlights

  • Research potential investment opportunities in advance, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
  • Consider diversifying your portfolio to mitigate risk.
  • Monitor economic trends, tax policies and other news that could affect investments.

Consider investing in socially responsible funds and other sustainable investments.

Shriram completes 50 years of service!

To mark this momentous occasion, we have launched Shriram Jubilee Deposit - a 50-month investment scheme.
Invest now and earn up to 9.40%* p.a. (including 0.50%* p.a. for Senior Citizens and 0.10%* p.a. for Women)

Book a Fixed Deposit & get attractive/ high returns

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